The episode dealt only with Mr. Honey. Most of the plots about Veronica’s beef with her daddy dearest on their rum empire, C&C machinations, the possible return of a Kevin/Fangs ship, Hiram Lodge, Mary’s love life, the high school prom, Ticklegate and graduation, Marisol Nichols and Skeet Ulrich goodbyes are hanging by a thread. None of us like cliffhangers, more so when they aren’t a week away from resolving, rather a year away. Or who knows maybe more, considering the state of world affairs right now. Although the cliffhanger was enthralling, it was also satisfying, to say the least. We mean, for now Riverdale has satiated us. We couldn’t be more thankful for a season as brilliant as this one. There’s so much to discuss in the post. Like for example, how troublesome it has been for the cast to battle the loss of Fred Andrews. Andrews, played by Luke Perry passed away in March of 2019 after suffering a massive stroke. The next struggle involves the tiff at the community center with the Dodge. The last seat in the department of struggle is taken by the Stonewall Prep/Jugdead saga. And in between all this, we forgot to discuss the very title of Chapter 76: Mr. Honey and the blatant voyeurism in the show. Alright with the key points being highlighted, let’s discuss each in detail. Jughead knows where to apply his energies. Since the option of Yale is completely off the table for him, he is all about the University of Iowa’s writing program. All he wants to do is to get into this writing program. And hence, the subject of his focus is this admission. Jughead goes about this by dreaming about putting to rest Mr. Honey’s role in Riverdale High. Morals, schmorals! People just have to know what is really up there. He’s going to come out with a publication that dives deeply into Mr. Honey’s “moralistic” reign in Riverdale High. Once that happens in writing, Jughead’s success is almost certain. Mr.Honey has sucked all the fun out of the school’s student body, interfering wherever he can, and however, he can. It’s about time he changes that, Mr. Honey must go. That perfectly sums up why the titled of Chapter 76 is named so. The task is uphill since Mr. Honey isn’t a simpleton. His real-world involvements are so awful that a battle against him will mean a lot of casualties for Jughead. Given the debacle of the Stonewall Prep storyline, this plot will mark the arrival of Jughead. But really Riverdale, did you have a point in killing Jughead? What the hell was that about. No one really bought that Jughead was going to die. So it is Jughead vs. Honey for now. We’ve seen how ruthless Jughead is. And we know Mr. Honey’s real-world plots and schemes. But as ardent Jughead fans, we know that a measly character like Honey will not scathe Jughead in any way. The man’s going to come out unscathed. We promise. Mr. Honey couldn’t keep his dirty linen hidden from Jughead for long. Thanks to Jughead’s impressive detective skills, his tricks were brought out in the open. Seriously, shouldn’t Jughead study criminal psychology! But he is a bloody good reporter too, and his sleuthing skills are beyond excellent. Okay, enough of fangirling Jughead. After Mr. Honey is fired from Riverdale High, the plot twist reveals that Holden Honey is a philanthropist of sorts. Ms. Bell jumps in to count Honey’s achievements. Number one: he got low-income students scholarships. On his watch, students’ overall GPA was higher. Riverdale High saw more seniors opt for college. Since its Riverdale, no student deaths were reported. Honey has more feathers in his cap. He’d recommended jughead to the Admissions Board at the University of Iowa. There are two ways to look at it. One Jughead barely attended Riverdale High, so how could Honey endorse him like that. Two, could it be that Honey was looking to appease Jughead? Or, could it be another trick in Honey’s PR machinery. In order to hide his voyeuristic fetishes from the public, he attempted everything philanthropic and good Samaritan possible. These achievements can’t be just brushed under the carpet or hidden from the public eye (thanks to Ms. Bell). But the lack of harmony between students and Holden Honey can’t be ignored either. And neither can be Honey’s voyeur as the lover of murder, mayhem, and lack of morality. Please be sure that we’re not done with Honey, not so soon. His firing from Riverdale High is only the beginning of an end that we shall see in Season 5, pretty soon–we think, we hope. And let’s not forget about the very weird VHS tape that recreated the murder of Mr. Honey. What on Riverdale is the tape supposed to mean? What could be more morally depraving than Honey the voyeur, than his imaginable murder! God help us there. We do not know whether it’s a minor plot, that could be passed. Or if it means something bigger and unsettling in the next season to come. As I said, Honey is going to go any time soon. Thanks to COVID-19, we’ll never find out this season. It should be known that Chapter 76 was never supposed to be the end of Riverdale, Season 4. There were three more episodes lefts. But the production was shut down and Riverdale has ended for now.

Riverdale Season 4 Episode 19 Review  Chapter 76  Killing Mr  Honey - 31Riverdale Season 4 Episode 19 Review  Chapter 76  Killing Mr  Honey - 80